Is Democracy Incompatible with the Humanities?

by Micah Towery on October 15, 2010 · View Comments

in Academia,Politics & Society

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In a recent blog post, and takes George Philip, president of SUNY-Albany, to task for axing the French, Italian, classics, Russian, and theater programs. Fish claims

it is the job of presidents and chancellors to proclaim the value of liberal arts education loudly and often and at least try to make the powers that be understand what is being lost when traditions of culture and art that have been vital for hundreds and even thousands of years disappear from the academic scene.

Fish’s strategy is political: take the debate to the floors of state senates. Yet allow me to tentatively posit that perhaps our Modern Liberal Democracy (MLD for brevity) itself may be to blame. Whether we like it or not, MLD—the American one in particular—has a hard time understanding the value of something apart from its utility, its instrumentality—McLuhan called this “know how” (for a fuller, if occasionally simplistic, explanation of this idea, check out ).

Before continuing, I probably should define “Modern Liberal Democracy.” I’m only a poet who reads political philosophy sometimes, so be nice. I also realize I’m speaking broadly, and perhaps that makes me sloppy. But I hope the general gesture of this essay will out-merit its limits. Briefly, by MLD I mean modern democratic societies which have roots in Enligthenment (particularly “state of nature”) philosophy—.

These democracies generally value individual freedom above all: I don’t disagree with your viewpoint, but I’ll die for your right to have it. Necessarily, whatever common values there are tend to be (problematically) vague and non-threatening: equality, justice, freedom of speech, etc. And even these values are not absolute; they are held in tension with prevailing political demands of the day: torture sometimes mitigates the assumed innocence of the accused; hate crimes legislation allows justice to take off the blinders; freedom of speech covers many things, but not exposing your genitals publicly. You find MLD throughout Europe & North America, primarily, but is being strenuously exported to other continents (along with the market system).

Initially, MLD seems to be the perfect environment for the Liberal Arts: freedom of speech, no midnight raids to arrest thought criminals or moralistic politicians jockeying for votes in a culture war (well…maybe not)—even the name similarities suggest a proper convergence of values. Yet in America and (h/t: Daniel Silliman), the sky has been falling on the liberal arts for years.

But we should note that this is not necessarily a new thing in history. In the last few days I’ve been . One thing that historian Jonathan Brown points out is that as soon as Argentina transitioned from an oligarchy of political elites to a MLD, the public universities shifted focus from the liberal arts to the sciences. This makes me want to ask, are the humanities an elite interest? Do professors of the humanities work at the indulgence of the privileged? Are the humanities a societal indulgence?

I don’t think the correlation between here is accidental. It might even be causal. Consider that the sciences and related disciplines are easily justified to the public in the type of discourse allowed in a MLD: remember, no absolute claims to ultimate values systems allowed—free speech, freedom of belief/conviction, and all that. But the liberal arts are much more difficult to justify in a MLD. As Fish states, “What can you say to the tax-payer who asks, ‘What good does a program in Byzantine art do me?’” Fish goes on to say

…it won’t do to invoke…pieties…— the humanities enhance our culture; the humanities make our society better — because those pieties have a 19th century air about them and are not even believed in by some who rehearse them.

Interestingly enough, Fish (bleakly) hopes that this very defense will work with politicians who “like to think of themselves as crackerbarrel philosophers and historians.” (Talk about jaded!) And yet we live and keep kicking the can of financial reckoning down the road. Unfortunately for these politicians, there are literally no more pieces of the state to sell off and rent back in order to keep the budget balanced; there are no more pension funds to borrow from. Thus it seems to me that the voters are the very people that must be convinced to sacrifice certain services and pay more taxes in order to keep the humanities—not the politicians. But how do we do that?

This emphasis on a useful education leaves little room for a more or less utilitarian education (though MFA programs flourish, interestingly) and has forced literary studies to become more scientific in their approach; college administrators expect the same kind of research from the local Miltonist (if she or he is not dead yet) as we get from a chair in research science. from :

Philology, with its central focus on language, was once the master model for all the sciences and it was natural for teachers to try to train students to make good texts, track down sources, learn about conflicting editions and adjudicate such controversies. Then, as a kind of natural extension of these practices, came historical criticism, national language categorization, work on tracing influences and patronage, all contributing to the worry about classifying various schools, movements or periods. Then came biographical criticism and the flood gates were soon open wide: psychoanalytic criticism, new or formal criticism, semiotics, structuralism, post-structuralism, discourse analysis, reader response criticism or “reception aesthetics,” systems theory, hermeneutics, deconstruction, feminist criticism, cultural studies. And so on.

Similarly, other authors of education, which divided disciplines “into specialized disciplines and [placed] stress on expertise and the discovery of new knowledge”:

When conservative critics of our universities nowadays lament the decline of liberal education, they usually decry its replacement by a left-leaning politicized agenda. But the deeper truth is that liberal education has been more fundamentally displaced by scientific education buttressed by the demands of global competition.

This certainly helps frame (seriously: ). But it is important to note that Deneen defines the “humanities” in a way that is crucial to his argument. Deneen takes the classical understanding of “the humanities,” which stands in direct contradiction to the modern era’s desire to escape “all forms of power and control, [which implies] that the ideal human condition [is] one of complete liberty—even the liberty from what was once understood to be human.” Deneen skewers modern conservatives (read: culture wars), but Deneen’s impulse is itself deeply conservative.

For Deneen, the liberal arts are the study of humanity and is aimed at making students into better people—not better citizens, mind you; there’s a difference: they’re related, but not interchangeably. Such enlightened people respect the limits of what it means to be human. (Side note: This view of human limits dovetails interestingly with )

There is something fundamentally conservative (in a way that would baffle most Republicans and Tea Partiers) about Deneen’s (and Berry’s) ideal of limits. But this ideal also baffles modern liberals. This ideal implies that there should be a singular and definite understanding of humans and how they relate to both nature and each other. Somewhere the “Fascist alert” is going off in our heads. It must be said, however, that while nobody (except a fascist) admires Ezra Pound’s dedication to fascism—especially since it was probably motivated by Pound’s racial anxieties—his politics are brought into better focus if we believe that MLD inevitably dismantles the humanities.

None of this is an attempt to justify Pound’s despicable politics. Rather, it should highlight that the humanities and modern liberal democracy may be fundamentally at odds. Thus, we should expect the actions of someone like President Philip when state budgets get tight. And in the coming “age of austerity,” it’s something we should probably get used to.

In fact, if Deneen is right in his genealogy of the humanities—and I suspect he is—then the humanities are conservative in the most radical way. Ironically, it is the modern liberals who take up the cause in the state house. Deneen’s claims rattle all our categories. Perhaps this is why so many professors who recite Fish’s “pieties” don’t actually believe it themselves. The crisis of the humanities is not external, then, it’s internal. Humanities programs aren’t being attacked because the voters are cretinous philistines (though we poets & writers prefer to stroke our own egos in thinking so). The humanities are suffering an identity crisis and are being picked off as the weakest competitors for state funding.

Let’s say, however, that we accept Deneen’s genealogy, that the humanities and our modern liberal democracy are invariably at odds; does that mean that we should return to the classical understanding of humanities? Deneen is obviously suspicious of things that most poets & writers (a diverse & liberal bunch to be sure) would enthusiastically embrace. Deneen notes with palpable disgust that

one is…likely to find [in the modern university] indoctrination in multiculturalism, disability studies, queer studies, postcolonial studies, a host of other victimization studies, and the usual insistence on the centrality of the categories of race, gender, and class.

I personally tend more towards understanding things through the lens of technology (as opposed to race, gender, and class), and I wonder whether Deneen would list this category in his anathema of “victimization studies”? I’m not convinced of Deneen’s charity in this statement, and I think he engages in the very culture wars rhetoric he wants to skewer (plus ). But I do appreciate Deneen’s skepticism. And even one who vehemently disagrees with Deneen must admit that his characterizations of academia are eerily spot on in disturbing ways.

I suppose it boils down to this question: Is there a robust way to preserve the humanities against modern liberal democracy’s instrumental values system? Certainly in the last 50 or so years there have been valiant attempts to affirm the usefulness of the humanities in our modern political environment. But this effort is clearly failing, and before long we might not have any humanities courses left in which we are able to debate this very question.

And there is another question: are we trying to have it both ways? Both MLD and the liberal arts? Do they jive as well as we have always thought?

  • Brooks Lampe

    One might speculate that Fish and others who see the humanities in MLD as highly problematic are guilty of a kind of “presentism,” which is evaluating everything only according to contemporary standards and values. For such folks, the humanities must be justified with (and only with) the schema of MLD. It’s when you dignify such a mindset with a defense that you trap yourself in a false dilemma: “Either I justify humanities according to MLD standards, or I do not justify it and call it just leisure and indulgence.” It’s precisely because the humanities resists this dilemma that makes it so vitally necessary. It’s the only (secular) way to transcend MLD. And I want to transcend it like a motherfucker.

  • Pigsnout2

    Kenneth Burke has a wonderful essay touching on Kant’s use criteria (The essay is called three aethetes if I remember correctly and is in his great book Counter statement). and the anxiety in the arts caused by that question being posited: of what use are the arts? Before the rise of industrial mass production and the dominance of technology, the question was never asked. Several positions were put forth to deal with the anxiety caused by the question including “art for art’s sake”: The arts are of no use whatsoever, and we like it that way!” Others were art as social uplift (which seems to be championed by politicos only during times of prosperity). Art as a sort of science in its own right (hence the modernist obsession with process), etc, etc. Fred (that German dude) said art can be of value simply by injecting a dose of “wickedness” into an age to keep it from becoming too hopelessly itself (Art as the corrective, or the counter). “to inoculate a civilzation as it were against its own worst tendencies.” Universities were never supposed to house law schools, engineering schools, etc. In the 19th century, ne apprenticed with a lawyer. PEople become utilitarian where their wallets are concerned. The hard sciences have done as much to bring us to the verge of destruction as they have to give us our advances, so their value as a moral center is nil to none unless you believe as the new neural folks believe that a re-shaping of the brain by science will solve all social ills. I don’t know why usefulness is the chief test of even the sceinces. One could argue that certain techologies have wiped out more useful and more sustainable ways of life, lead to gross over population, and lead to the current widening gap between the very rich and the poor by eliminating all work of the hands. “usefulness” may be the wrong question, and it may be that the aesthetics of use need to be questioned.

  • Travis Timmons

    Thanks, man! (I’m glad you brought the Pippin piece in too.)

    Isn’t the big elephant in the room economic systems that democracies are usually packaged with? In terms of “instrumentalization,” I would say that capitalism is probably more a fault than a political system, although the politic system obviously colludes with the economic one.

    So I might say instead that it’s capitalism’s emphasis on instrumentality that is the catalyst of the humanities’ problem. I wonder if Fish’s focus on MLD is simply an accidental red herring. (In Argentina’s switch to MLD, what happened economically?)

    Second, and this is where I found Pippin’s article compelling earlier this week, many humanities department (but especially English) were haphazardly founded, all the while looking for some “scientific” methodology. The project is doomed from the start. No sense purpose (and I’m not just talking about purpose = instrumental knowledge; just ANY purpose …), no reason for being, hence no confidence in the endeavor and the constant crisis of legitimation.

    Realizing this hole in the heart of English studies in my early readings of a routine survey of Lit. Crit. did me in.

  • Anonymous

    @ travis: your story, travis, about being “done in” by the scientific readings is a story i’ve heard over and over again from talented english students. many are running for the hills after having spent a few semesters in upper level lit courses.

    on the other hand, when i see someone like zizek (who i only have read briefly), he’s someone who–i think–uses theory as a tool and no more. for him, psychoanalysis is a tool used to pry open different ideas and say interesting things. and i find that he’s said many interesting things that way. i think though, my reading of zizek (and other critics like him) might be more my fault than his. perhaps he really does take psychoanalysis seriously–i don’t. but i find it a useful tool that can help us do challenging and important readings.

  • Anonymous

    joe, i think you’re right on. we need to interrogate how actually useful the sciences have been. of course i don’t want to get rid of my laptop, but i think that might be the tail wagging the dog at this point :)

  • Anonymous

    “transcend it like a motherfucker.” we should make that thethe’s new tag line.

    “the the poetry…transcend it like a motherfucker.”

  • james

    “Certainly in the last 50 or so years there have been valiant attempts to affirm the usefulness of the humanities in our modern political environment.”
    isn’t affirming the usefulness of the humanities part of the problem? perhaps this has already been said, but usefulness is a value only for the modern instrumentality we wish to work against. perhaps, mutatis mutandis, this can be applied to the humanities more broadly, but i find it convincing and honest when the theologian says, “Knowledge of God is useless. God is an end. He is not applied usefully elsewhere.”

    (also, pigsnout, as great as apprenticed lawyers would be, law [with medicine and theology] is one of the three higher faculties of the classic university.)

  • Stewart Kahn Lundy

    Perhaps the problem with MLD (sounds like an STD) is an obsession with arbitrary (ungrounded) “newness” as opposed to authentic originality (George Steiner, “Real Presences”). Originality necessarily originates at a particular place and time and within a specific historical vocabulary. As much as atavistic vocabulary is anachronistic, so too is arbitrarily novel vocabulary. Neither is authentic, neither is spontaneous.Life is grounded in originality (life originates from life from death…) but the inherent newness in originality is never and in no way arbitrary. Unlike MLD which is an abstraction of ungrounded, arbitrary, and unlimited newness, the humanities expose the limits of our hermeneutical situation. We are limited by history, vocabulary, and death. But it is our limits that expose our authentic possibilities. Without the limits of gravity, humans could not walk. In the same way, without the limits of history, we cannot be original.Average everyday people reduce all things to dead objects ready-at-hand, ready to be manipulated (manus, “hand”). In a Cartesian world full of nothing but unrelated dead objects, the only missing element is Will. The arbitrary Will of MLD is an arbitrariness which originates from the dissociation of oneself and one’s circumstances: one is contingent, always.So, yes. It seems the humanities are inconsistent with MLD… but what is the antidote? What can we do to fix this problem?

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