http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001515972203 Stewart Kahn Lundy
Previous post: Michael Klein’s New Poetry Book, Upcoming Readings
Previous post: Michael Klein’s New Poetry Book, Upcoming Readings
[Reading: Oct 22]
[Readings & New Book]
[Poetry Reading: Oct. 19]
[Fiction Reading: Oct. 5]
[Magazine Launch: 11/4/10]
[Book Launch: Oct. 7]
[Poetry Reading: Oct. 6]
361 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn / L train to Graham Ave
[Poem of the Week: 5/6/2010]
[Poem of the Week: 4/19/2010]
Adam Fitzgerald Allen Grossman Ben Lerner Ben Pease Bernadette Mayer Bianca Stone Chris Robinson Christopher Ricks Chrs Robinson Copper Canyon Press Dara Wier Elizabeth Bishop Emily Dickinson Ezra Pound Film frank o'hara Graduate students Harold Bloom Hart Crane James Tate Joe Weil John Ashbery John Keats Kafka Keats Letters Louise Gluck Mary Karr Mean Free Path New York City Painting Persons poem of the week Poetry Poetry Comics Poetry Fix Politics Proust Robert Lowell Star Black T.S. Eliot The Sighted Singer Wendell Berry Wordsworth YouTube
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More Construction Notes
by thethe poetry on October 14, 2010 · View Comments
in Technology,Poetry Blog
Just a few things to notice about the site redesign.
1. You can now login and comment with your Twitter, Facebook, Open ID, Yahoo, or many other accounts. In the process of this changeover, the old comments have disappeared. Fear not! They are not lost. We’re just in the process of importing them, and barring future trouble they will reappear soon.
2. Note the Facebook bar on the side. If you really enjoy The The, please share it with your friends!
3. You can also follow us on Twitter .
We would also like to thank , whose patience and helpfulness through The The’s “birth pangs” have gone above and beyond the call of duty. If you are looking to build a great website to compete with The The Poetry Blog, give him a ring. His rates are incredibly reasonable and the service can’t be beat.
Tagged as: Bulldog Technology Solutions, Comments, Facebook, Open ID, Stewart Lundy, Twitter, Yahoo