Emily Dickinson

Review: Endi Bogue Hartigan’s “Pool: 5 Choruses”

July 3, 2014
Thumbnail image for Review: Endi Bogue Hartigan’s “Pool: 5 Choruses”

The narrative is fragmental, and drifts like movements which possess their own immediate merits. The symphonic quality is evident. Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” is not a piece which moves in a deft pattern, and neither is Hartigan’s collection.

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“For Lack of Diamond Years”: the macro and micro dimensions of mythic perception

March 17, 2014
Thumbnail image for “For Lack of Diamond Years”: the macro and micro dimensions of mythic perception

It’s very rare for a visual artist to so completely translate or, more precisely, transcribe her visual sense into words.

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“Death Centos” : Company in the Terror of the Unknown

March 1, 2014
Thumbnail image for “Death Centos” : Company in the Terror of the Unknown

Terror is either the most defining nor the most compelling quality with which death is portrayed in this poetry that interrogates what it means to die, and how we use those final moments before death – both our own and those of others.

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My Favorite Dickinson Poem

February 12, 2014
Thumbnail image for My Favorite Dickinson Poem

This is my favorite Emily Dickinson poem, even though it is not her best. It is the poem for which I have the most affection: “I dreaded that first Robin.”

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The Ideal Reader as an Act of Faith

October 2, 2013
Thumbnail image for The Ideal Reader as an Act of Faith

The reader you wish to write for is an act of faith.

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“Contemplations” on a Massachusetts Poet: Introduction and Form

January 2, 2013
Thumbnail image for “Contemplations” on a Massachusetts Poet: Introduction and Form

Bradstreet is an outlier of most received literary groupings.

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Poetry Comics! Paul Legault

June 5, 2012
Thumbnail image for Poetry Comics! Paul Legault

Paul Legault is the co-founder of the translation press Telephone Books and the author of three books of poetry.

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On the Bias Against Narrative Poetry

July 11, 2011
Thumbnail image for On the Bias Against Narrative Poetry

Many young poets can not accept that telling a story, or relating some sort of narrative arc is conducive to the highest aims of poetry.

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The Inward Soul: Dickinson and St. Theresa of Avila

October 5, 2010
Thumbnail image for The Inward Soul: Dickinson and St. Theresa of Avila

There is an inwardness so vast, so total, that it has a true integrity—not the pretentiousness of artistic temper, not the vanity of professional mysticism, not the neurosis of social anxiety disorder, but a forthrightness, an honorable, hourly withdrawal from the world that seems, for lack of a better word—ecstatic.

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Poems & Pollen

April 11, 2010
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When they say, “Spring is in the air,” they aren’t kidding.  New York City is fully abloom–and it is most certainly in the air. Yes, the tulips and daffodils are afoot in the city! Perfectly coiffed Park Avenue flower arrangements trumpet out enormous lilies at pedestrians. Petunias and pansies galore! Primped poodles in their fluffed […]

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Emily Dickinson 260

February 22, 2010
Thumbnail image for Emily Dickinson 260
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