
Terms, Truth, Sun Sparrows: A Very Important Lesson from My Father

by Joe Weil Academia
Thumbnail image for Terms, Truth, Sun Sparrows: A Very Important Lesson from My Father

I tell my students that education can do the work of evil: it can make a bunch of aleatory systems with PHDs think they have a right to be superior to the Rocky Weils of this world. They can make a son misunderstand the wisdom of his own father. They stink of torture and snobbery, they are rank with the odor of exclusion and bias, and we call this “truth” or “Dogma” or “terminology.”

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Keats Revisited: “It’s Not a Well-Wrought Urn, it’s a Well of Ashes and Wine”

by Adam Fitzgerald Academia
Thumbnail image for Keats Revisited: “It’s Not a Well-Wrought Urn, it’s a Well of Ashes and Wine”

That urn is cold. I find it strange that several poets and scholars speak of the beauty-truth equation as the last lines of the poem. That equation has called forth so much fuss – its bald assertiveness is immensely persuasive at first hearing, then almost instantly the mind rebels against the symmetry of identity.

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The Ill-Wrought Urn? A Literary Critical Debate in Truth & Beauty, Part 1

by Adam Fitzgerald Academia
Thumbnail image for The Ill-Wrought Urn? A Literary Critical Debate in Truth & Beauty, Part 1

Let’s begin with a recording of Ode on a Grecian Urn recited by Richard Howard, which was taken on 2/12/2010 through my iPhone. Ode on a Grecian Urn Thou still unravished bride of quietness, Thou foster child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: [...]

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