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How to Ransack a Poem for Parts

Thumbnail image for How to Ransack a Poem for Parts October 16, 2010

Hunch against the wind. / Call to the shadows / of lengthening children.

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The Flaming Poodle of the Mind: Poetry Readings, Vaudeville & Louise Gluck’s Legs

Thumbnail image for The Flaming Poodle of the Mind: Poetry Readings, Vaudeville & Louise Gluck’s Legs March 16, 2010

If I am anything at all, I am a vaudevillian. Considering that vaudville has been stone dead the last 80 years, that’s a hard thing to be, but wouldn’t you want to attend a reading where, first, someone read Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art” beautifully, followed by a white poodle jumping through a fiery hula hoop, then a great tap dancer, and then a good torch singer doing “Strange Fruit,” topped off by a rousing version of Etheridge Knight’s “All Fucked Up”?

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Joe Weil on Hecht’s “A Hill”

February 25, 2010

[Interview: 2/25/2010]

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