by Brian Chappell Fiction
I indulge fantasies of ownership, lament the limited capacity of my wallet and shelf space to accommodate all the books I want. But I gird myself and leave with nothing, happy to have looked, touched, but saved myself again.
Tagged as: Afterwords cafe, Best American series, Big Hunt's House, indie bookstores, Kramerbooks, Paris Review, The New Yorker, zizek
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by Joe Weil Aesthetics
True feeling has the force of grace; sentimentality has the stench of morals. The word “should” and “must” cling to its fat cherubic legs. Half comprised of self regard, and the other half a mixture of cliche, the sentimental is close to the feigned regard of the funeral director: appropriate, and grave, but with one eye on the itemized bill.
Tagged as: Chekov, feeling, Lipa, Madame Bovary, Nabokov, Russian Literature, sentimentality, The Gully, The Ravine, The Sound of Music, Tolstoy
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