A few years back, I met at a writing conference in Binghamton, NY. We ended up talking metaphysics and Marxism and Beat poetics deep into the night. After Gene left, we kept in touch and Gene ended up contributing to The Cartographer Electric! the magazine I helped found as an undergrad at Binghamton.
After I had left Binghamton, I thought about starting an online press that would give away free chapbooks in PDF form on the internet. We published a book by Gene, originally titled Excerpt from Pastoral Emergency. The chapbook featured Gene’s artwork side by side with his poetry (Gene studied both art and poetry at Iowa).
Recently, Gene expressed a desire to revise the work. He conceived of the revision as an illuminated chapbook, and I think it turned out amazingly well. The at .
While you’re there, and a few other chapbooks that I worked on with and . All are available for free viewing and downloads.
Stay tuned for a review of Gene Tanta’s other recently released book .
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