Unusual Woods

Aesthete and Propagandist: An Interview with Gene Tanta

by Brooks Lampe Aesthetics
Thumbnail image for Aesthete and Propagandist: An Interview with Gene Tanta

It’s getting later than it’s ever been and the sonnet is nearly over: do you know where your closure is?

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A Ghost (Sonnet) in Gene Tanta’s “Unusual Woods”

by Brooks Lampe Header
Thumbnail image for A Ghost (Sonnet) in Gene Tanta’s “Unusual Woods”

Seemingly disconnected things envisioned as unified: this is the surreal experience of the “marvelous” or the Deep Image experience of the deep image.

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Gene Tanta’s Illuminated Chapbook

by Micah Towery Header
Thumbnail image for Gene Tanta’s Illuminated Chapbook

After I had left Binghamton, I thought about starting an online press that would give away free chapbooks in PDF form on the internet. We published a book by Gene, originally titled Excerpt from Pastoral Emergency. The chapbook featured Gene’s artwork side by side with his poetry (Gene studied both art and poetry Iowa).

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